A total of 32 fragments of calcined mammal bone were recovered from the Town Brook Native American Site Central Locus (UM
482). Due to the highly fragmented nature of the assemblage, none of these fragments could be identified beyond the general
level of mammal size categories (small, medium, large mammal). Medium-sized mammal bones predominantly were flatbones, likely
ribs, possibly from sheep, goat, deer or swine. Several large mammal longbone and one trabecular bone fragment were also identified.
These may have originated from cattle bones, as this species has been identified elsewhere on this site. One large mammal
bone bore evidence of transverse cracking, indicating burning while still in a wet or green state.
The majority of the fragments were recovered from Feature 41, the peat layer associated with the edge of Town Brook, likely
representing material either washed down or dumped into or along the edges of the brook as a way for the inhabitants to rid
themselves of their trash.
One fragment was recovered from Feature 11 and one from Feature 45 as well. Neither being diagnostic beyond the level of
medium-sized mammal longbone.